We, Anand Niketan Mehsana, organised “Mehsana’s Got Talent” – A District Level Inter School Competition 2020-21. We walked the extra miles to nurture the talent of young budding artists and thereby facilitating their multifaceted development and skills assessment, virtually.
The Inter School mega event organized by Anand Niketan Mehsana had been conceptualized to showcase and celebrate the multi-dimensional talents of our young students of Mehsana. The Mega virtual Fest had a slew of competitive events and different activities with an aim to give our students an exposure of the competitive world and thereby gain confidence through participation and achievements.
The event provided students of 17 prominent schools of Mehsana to exhibit their talents and skills with great enthusiasm and passion even in this phase of Pandemic. Students from Grades IV – X participated in various events like, Indian classical, folk and western dances, choir singing, instrumental music and songs without musical instruments, Stand-up comedies and Monologue delivery, Speeches in Hindi and English on various topics, PowerPoint presentation on movie review and natural disaster as per their categories Painting and Poster making with pertinent themes. The participants prepared zealously to excel in respective events.
Students recorded their performances and were sent. The participants expressed themselves, their youthful creativity and unbridled imagination, and it brought alive their emotions and created a palette of colours. Their vivacity and brilliance was displayed fully in their performances.
It was a profound moment for the Anand Niketan school to host these events in a very systematic way following all the protocols of the pandemic situations, and it was an exuberant experience for those schools who bagged prizes in various events that they had participated in.
The key objectives of these competitions were to create a pool of socially impactful innovative ideas that could develop ,imbibe and awaken culturally the young minds to viable solutions to the social problems of the monotonous situations that the covid19 has brought in . With this objective, various schools participated. Students and parents worked dedicatedly and made this event remarkable one in the annals of the Mehsana District.
The winners were given away trophies and certificates by Ms. Babita Bhatia the Principal of Anand Niketan School and Mr. Bipin Patel the Managing Trustee.
Award Distribution Ceremony